Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Bucket in Time Saves Nine

I've been feeling very confident today, yet I'm not exactly sure why. Just this sense of total self-assuredness. Maybe it's due to that venti-sized Star Bucks frappucino I had after lunch. Excessive amounts of coffee must have a medicinal effect of some sort. Possibly of some kind. Maybe even of a variety or somesuch.

Anyway, girl in Constitutional Law has missed class TWICE during her week to be an "expert". Basically certain weeks are divied out to certain students, and during those classes, the selected students are expected to be really familiar with the readings and cases. These expert weeks are assigned at the beginning of the semester, and trust me... no one forgets what week is theirs.

When Professor Oedell asked what the deal with the girl was, some of her section members said, "She's known for not showing up to class much."

Hahahaha! Not sure what the hell this girl is doing, but she'll soon be answering to the bow tie-wearing wrath that is Oedell. He looked pissed. Seriously pissed, and he's generally a very cool and casual teacher. Ah well. C'est la vie (which is french for "that chick is fucked").

I bang you, n'est pas?

Haha... "bang". I'm confident that will make you laugh. Hmmm. Know how if someone is acting crazy, they can say, "Crazy like a fox!"

Well, what would be the corresponding animal for confidence? Like if someone said, "Damn, you seem confident."

Would you respond with, "Yeah, I'm confident. Confident like a elephant!"

Gah. That doesn't work at all. You can crazy like a fox, happy as a pig in shit, hungry as a bear, and have to piss like a race horse. But what do you get for being confident? Nadda. That's shabby as hell, people. Confidence deserves better. I just have to figure this out using my intellect and good old fashioned stream of thought... starting now!

Confident like a(n):


Whoa... "Confident like a cat." That sounds pretty fucktastic. Just say it a few times outloud. "Confident? Confident like a cat!" I seriously impress myself sometimes, especially since the saying makes sense! Cats are confident as hell most of the time. Just look at how they gaze at us. As if they know their life is better than ours. Hell... if I could sleep 18 hours a day, eat whenever the hell wanted, have the body of an olympic athlete, and lick my crotch for kicks, I'd be pretty confident too. Fair enough? You bet your ass it's fair enough.


Anonymous said...

i laughed out loud. for real.

vendetta said...

Awesome. The "I bang you, n'est pas" part is my personal fav. It's actually one of the few things I've written that actually makes me laugh too.

Anonymous said...

haha, how about "confident like a (insert euphamism comparing black person to animal here)"

see? dual meaning :)