Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Want Two...

Maybe even three. Maybe you can buy three and get one free. That'd be sweet. Super sweet! I mean... a quad and a waverunner in ONE!?

That shit is off the hook.

Awesome 4x4 Waverunner - Watch more free videos

If the video I tried to embed doesn't work on my page, check it out at the page I found it on:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Old Time Sensibilities

If the picture is too small, click on it for a larger version.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back in Bucket

Damn, it is hot down here. Not just hot. Hawt. Bastard hawt. It's like someone fed the Sun some extra spicy chili, and the fiery ball of fusion is shitting a plasma storm of bright, bright death onto the state of Georgia.

This week in Macon, we're expecting 5 days where the temperature will meet, exceed, and possibly decimate 100 degrees. My air conditioning is working overtime. That poor bastard is hiring illegal Mexican A/C units to work night shifts for him just so he can take a fucking break.

The heat nailed me and Kell this past weekend when we took a short trip down to Savannah. Being in Macon, the drive doesn't present too much of a challenge... unless you're dying of heat stroke on the return trip. Which I was. Fuh-GOW, Savannah's humidity was off the charts. I'm not just talking about regular charts either. The weather people shipped in charts from Shaolin temples, and the humidity still could not be contained... nor even comprehended. At one point, the humidity reached 115%. The very illogical nature of that number nearly created a rip in space, time, and sanity.

But's it all good, people. As the midday Sun baked Kelly and I into crispy McNuggets, I killed a few homeless people (in Savannah, a few won't be missed) and created a makeshift tent for shade.

When that didn't work, I bought us some shaved ice! WOOOOOOO!

What's cooler than cool? The wisdom of Outkast would say unto thee, "Ice cold." I smashed that shaved ice right down my throat. I've never felt better about damaging my internal organs with frost bite.

Side note: Never... never ever... NEVAH try to check in early to a Savannah hotel. They tell you it is possible, but their words are lies filled with untruth and venom and kryptonite.

In any case, next time I attempt a visit to the historic city by the river filled with homeless people, I will do so in the winter.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

This... Is... BUCKET!

Savannah Nights

The Long and Short of It

Looks like I'll be going on a short weekend trip to Savannah. Good times. I'm taking my lady down to the coast where we'll spend one night at a hotel and enjoy two days of browsing around the historic sites of the city. Kelly also has some birthday money left, so I'm sure she'll buy clothes or trinkets if anything catches her eye.

This will surely be my last summer hurrah before the school year kicks back in, and then within a year's time, I (much like Eddie is now) will have graduated from law school. I'll probably be disbarred years later for an illegal badger smuggling ring, but c'est la vie, n'est pas?

Disturbing News

Well, well, well... it appears as though part of Louisiana hasn't quite figured out this "racial equality" thing yet.

The racial demons of the Old South have resurfaced in a rural
Louisiana town where black students who tried to sit on the white side of the
school yard were met by three hangmen's nooses dangling from a tree.

The students and their parents were outraged by the stark
reminder of the mob lynchings which had terrorized Southern US blacks until just
a few decades ago.

Months of inter-racial violence followed the decision by a
white school superintendent to over-rule the principal's recommendation to expel
three white students found to have hung the nooses.


"Adolescents play pranks," said superintendent Roy Breithaupt.
"I don't think it was a threat against anybody."

Inter-racial fights broke out at the school and then spilled
out into the small lumber and oil town of 3,000, which is 85 percent white and
12 percent black. Someone set fire to the central wing of the high school in
November. Then a black student was beaten for showing up at an all-white party.
And a white youth pulled a shotgun on three black teens at a convenience

Finally, on December 4, a group of black students jumped a
white student as he was coming out of the school gym. Even though the teen
wasn't seriously hurt, six black students were expelled and were charged with
attempted second-degree murder and other offenses for which they face up to 100
years in jail.

The white teen who beat a black party crasher was charged with
simple battery. The white youth who pulled a shotgun was not charged at

Whew! Crazy stuff, my friends. Crazy stuff. I mean, of course racism still exists in America. Most of our parents were born and raised when segregation still existed and when Jim Crow laws still had sway. It's not like when the Civil Rights movement took place that everyone changed their mind.

But still, I'm a bit surprised to see such blatant racism still in existence outside of the KKK. When you have nooses being hung when black kids play on the "whiteside" of the playground, there is something seriously f'ed up with your town.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

And By The Way...

Iron Man the movie comes out next May, if I recall correctly. Billionaire industrialist and inventor nearly dies overseas, and upon recovery, puts his weapon designing genius to good use.

This movie will likely register a zero on the Shabbiness Scale, while hitting a 191 on the Fucktastic Meter.