Friday, May 26, 2006

X-Men 3: Random Action

Movie wasn't bad, but it was pretty rushed. Felt like the "cure" plot was just there as an excuse to have a few fight scenes. The end battle was definitely pretty sweet. But compared to X2? Just no emotional charge.

The new director is probably the reason for this. Singer managed to have a solid main plot with minor side stories that he built on as things moved along. The new guy, Ratner, just kinda pops things at you. One character who apparently barely matters to the film and does almost nothing gets his own flashback sequence at the beginning of the film. A flashback that was actually pretty cool and emotionally charged. But they don't really build it on from there... later seems like the flashback was just an excuse to include one more character who does almost nothing to further the plot or help in any way.

Some scenes were fucking sweet though. Getting to see a crap ton of superpowered mutants tearing into each other is crazy as hell.

Ah well. I give it a 3/5. If you're looking for action, this movie definitely has it. But the plot isn't quite as solid as the previous two films, and at times, it does feel a bit rushed.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Summer Update: Part II

So this past weekend, Kristin married her #1 man, Jason. And I got a free leather travel bag with my name etched into it! That's a nice bonus. But I did work to earn my travel bag. Being the sexiest man alive, I volunteered to be an usher because honestly, who's going to look at this gorgeous face and argue over where I want to seat them? Exactly. No one. Moving on.

My duties in the wedding? Short yet poignant much like Gary Coleman:

1) Make sure people make it to the seats. People are dumb when left to their own devices. It became my job... nay, my mission... to herd these doe-eyed fools to their seats before the wedding eventeries began. Because if they had their way, they'd be roaming around. Chit-chatting. Possibly even jibba-jabbering. That kind of shennanigans is inexcusable on the day of my friend Kristin's wedding. Luckily, I learned a lot from watching military documentaries, COPS, and playing video games. So I set an example that would keep the others in line. So first old lady I saw? Backhanded her. Lo and behold, no one gave me any problems. Mission: accomplished.

2) Keep the sides even. The church sanctuary (where I myself will one day be wedded to beautiful Kelly) has one main aisle running down the center. Bride's friends and family go to the left. Groom's people go to the right. But sometimes you have do a little finageling. Maybe he knows a few more rows worth of people. Then again, maybe she'll have more intown people arrive. It's a mystery. An on-the-fly puzzle with pieces being shot at me as if I were on level 15 of Tetris.

3) Walk Kristin and Kelly's mom down the aisle. That's a trip and a half there. Sounds easy right?

It's like that aisle is some kind of tunnel of sacremental power. But I made it down there and to my seat easily. Fair enough.

4) Keep out Gremlins. Because those little bastards simply don't respect the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a human and a mogwai. Not even Gizmo, although he kicked much Rambo-style ass in Gremlins 2.

All in all, it was a joyous event. Kristin and her dress looked good. Kelly performed her duties as Maid of Honor perfectly. Jason wept a bit as he saw Kris coming down the aisle. Ceremony went off without a hitch. Many awesome pictures were taken.

Reception was also good. Some excellent food was served, and I wept a bit when I saw the wedding cake. Let's face it... cake is awesome, and wedding cake is like the NY Yankees of cake.

Then Jason's bro gave a nice speech followed by Kelly giving a touching speech of her own. She thought she might not be able to get through it all without crying, but she did fine. Boo yah to my honey!

Then the band kicked it into over-drive, and people started jamming on the dance floor. Personally, I've never been much of a dancer. But as the band played on, I began to channel the spirit of Kevin Bacon and started whipping out moves that perhaps no man has ever seen before on this Earth. Smooth? Possible. Embarassing? Probable. Gonna get some dance lessons before my own wedding comes around? Damn straight.

X3 goodness tomorrow. I'll have a review up then.

Also, still waiting to see if I get that summer clerkship. GAAAAAAH!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Summer Update: Part I

Over one week has passed since I finished my last exam as a 1L law student. Now I'm but a few months away from starting my second year. Only one final managed to kick my ass thanks to the three-hour time limit. Kinda odd to WISH that the final had been 4 hours, giving me the time necessary to complete it. But what's done is done. Adios. Good-bye. On to the new stuff.

Hopeful new stuff? Summer clerkship. Reason for hope? Potential job opening still available. Extra hope? Eddie giving me recommendations, since he's returning from his last summer clerking at the office. Excessive reason for hope? My meager resume. I'm not sure if "sock folding" is a skill that these people are looking for, but I figured adding it in wouldn't hurt.

If I don't get the job, back to Sports Authority I go. At least Sports Authority upped my pay should I return. Now I'll get two pesos AND a loaf of bread for every three hours of work. Score one for Crazy Chris. But I'm sure I'll have far more hilarious stories to tell coming from a law office rather than a sporting goods store.

Next Summer Update will include tales from Kristin's wedding along with my excitement over mother fucking X-Men 3!!!! That shit's gonna have a trailer for the Ghost Rider movie, son! And you haven't lived until you've seen a demon biker with a flaming skull for a head brutalize criminals with a hellfire chain.

Actually would be fucking sweet if Ghost Rider existed in real life. Imagine driving down the highway... just heading home for the night... and then all the sudden a fiery demon on a hellish motorcycle roars past you at about 100 miles per hour chasing after a van full of bank robbers. That would surely spice up your night. Then later on the news, you could watch video clips from the traffic copter as Ghost Rider eventually causes the van to crash and then whips the living shit outta the criminals.

He'd be even better as a border patrol agent. Make all this illegal immigrant controversy a moot point because when a demon on a motorcycle from hell is guarding your borders, no one's gonna bother trying to hop the fence. Not while Jinete de Fantasma is on duty.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The New Superman Trailer

It's fucking Superman... of course you have to take a look.

Trailer 2 is what you want. If you can't handle the hi-def version, look to the lower right for links to the normal trailers. I myself am currently waiting for it to load. I hear that in the trailer, Supes will be catching a commercial jetliner as it is nose-diving.

Still not quite sold on this Routhe guy they picked to play Superman. Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor? Boo Yah. That's a fine pick, and it probably ensures that Paul will be seeing this film (huge Spacey fan). But Routhe himself isn't quite... manly enough for the role. I look at him, I see high school pretty boy turned actor. A far cry from the red-blooded, heart of the nation, small town man who happens to come from another planet and kicks the shit outta evil in the name of truth, justice, and the American way.