Friday, May 26, 2006

X-Men 3: Random Action

Movie wasn't bad, but it was pretty rushed. Felt like the "cure" plot was just there as an excuse to have a few fight scenes. The end battle was definitely pretty sweet. But compared to X2? Just no emotional charge.

The new director is probably the reason for this. Singer managed to have a solid main plot with minor side stories that he built on as things moved along. The new guy, Ratner, just kinda pops things at you. One character who apparently barely matters to the film and does almost nothing gets his own flashback sequence at the beginning of the film. A flashback that was actually pretty cool and emotionally charged. But they don't really build it on from there... later seems like the flashback was just an excuse to include one more character who does almost nothing to further the plot or help in any way.

Some scenes were fucking sweet though. Getting to see a crap ton of superpowered mutants tearing into each other is crazy as hell.

Ah well. I give it a 3/5. If you're looking for action, this movie definitely has it. But the plot isn't quite as solid as the previous two films, and at times, it does feel a bit rushed.

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