Monday, June 05, 2006

Because you might be wondering...

What exactly does Chris do at his summer clerkship with the public defenders office?

Oh, by the way... some of you might not have known that I actually got the clerkship, so yeah. There ya go.

But anyway, I'm a 2L clerk for the next 9 weeks (one week is already done with), which means that I won't actually get my own clients or sit second chair in a trial like a 3L clerk can. But I can still do a lot of the grunt work. So far, I've just read a trial transcript (3 days of trial and pre-trial hearings was roughly 400 pages), picked out possible issues for appeal, done research on one viable issue, and now the Assistant Public Defender I've been assigned to is looking it over. If it's any good, he might get some forms and have me draft the appeal. I'm basically picking things up as I go along... because fuck, I haven't had a criminal procedure class yet.

Nothing has been overwhelming yet, but then again, I think my lawyer is giving me some lighter stuff to get me used to how things work. My pal Eddie's in the same clerkship except that he's a 3L clerk... plus he was also doing this last summer, so he's the pro in our group now. Our APD gave him a fucking box full of trial transcript. Easily three times longer than what I had to read.

His trial sounds a bit more fun though. Even has a motion for granola bars in it. Classic.

Sidenote: In Georgia, there is a actually a formal defense known as the "some other dude done it" defense. I SHIT YOU NOT. The whole thing is pretty self-explanatory as you can see from its title, but I thought I'd just share that tidbit with ya.

In any case, I find the best part to be the suits. At first I thought that wearing suits and ties and dress pants and blazers would suck balls. Hairy balls with crotch cheese, even.

But no, wearing business attire is actually pretty cool. Just makes whatever I'm doing feel important. Sitting down reading trial transcripts? I'm wearing a God damned snazzy tie when I do that. It's obviously one hell of a transcript if they had to get someone wearing a SUIT to read it. Eating a Hot Pocket on the job? Don't bother talking to me because eating this Hot Pocket is being done on the taxpayers dime, mother fucker! People's lives are hanging in the balance as I gorge on the cheesy nastiness that is the pepperoni pocket. (insert jingle music) Hot Pockets!

Next sidenote: Kroger brand apple juice tastes like a bag full of dead ants. Don't bother buying this crap.

In other news, Kelly and Eddie finally got to meet. Fantastic? Sure. Fucktastic? Well, no one got that drunk. But we all went to this place called Eclipse di Luna near the Perimeter Mall. Shabbiness? None. The drinks were fucking excellent. I had something called a mojito (spelling might be off). Had limes, mint leaves, some sugar I think, and some light rum. Shit was off the hook. In fact, this stuff was so tasty that no hook has ever existed that was grand enough for THIS drink to fall off of. We ordered a pitcher of the stuff and ordered more as other comrads of Eddie arrived.

Sidenote: Ladies love the mojitos. Better to drink those at a party than that shitastic Kroger apple juice. I think that stuff ruined my taste buds for the rest of the night.

Oh, Paul has also aged another year... but only because I chose not to kill him yet. Even though his continued existence may have to be ended in tribute to the gods of baseball to keep them from STRIKING DOWN EVERY SINGLE PLAYER ON THE FUCKING ROSTER! Holy shazbot, there have been a lot of injuries. I think A-rod is actually underperforming just to keep himself from getting noticed by the powers above that twist ankles, break wrists, and cause back spasms while tying shoe laces.

Ah well, that's all for now, people. Hope everybody is having a safe summer. And here's a nod of respect and sympathy to Tyler, Amee, and Paul. From what I've gathered, they all recently lost a friend... one of Tyler's fellow frat brothers. Must've been a great guy to get such a reaction from those three awesome people I just listed. So rest in peace, Richie, and may your peace be eternal.

Fair enough.

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