Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Revisiting an Old Post

This was a post from my Crazy Chris days. It deals somewhat with Lent in a joking manner. Enjoy.

This is just a hilarious... and totally joking view about Christian factions and Lent. Read on...

Chris: did you know that a buncha of these Protestant groups don't celebrate Lent???
Chris: and they call themselves Christian!

Paul: actually
Paul: very few do
Paul: baptists dont

Chris: I know that

Paul: in a normal sense
Paul: they might acknowledge it

Chris: Baptists are barely Christian as it is

Paul: i know

Chris: :-)

Paul: what should i give up... gah

Chris: Catholics MADE the religion
Chris: they should obey US!

Paul: i know...
Paul: ive met a few dumb catholics but never a smart baptist.
Paul: quote me, that's quotable.

Chris: lol
Chris: that is good
Chris: I think Catholics were a little crazy back in the day, but now WE'RE the sane ones
Chris: and the Protestants are crazy

Paul: yeah
Paul: we still make up like
Paul: 98% of Christians

Chris: exactly

Paul: the US is the only thorn in the ass

Chris: I know
Chris: killing JFK...
Chris: just as we were about to take over

Paul: yeah it really is amazing that we have only had 1 cath pres
Paul: jfk, of all people...
Paul: one with the least catholic tendencies outside of clinton

Chris: lol

Paul: you're a rarity though
Paul: catholic democrat... i was always under the impression
Paul: that more were repubs
Paul: but i could be wrong
Paul: it was just my impression.

Chris: just remember, I was all for Reagan and partly for Bush I
Chris: his son is just mildly retarded
Chris: horrible but true
Chris: I didn't even like Clinton until his second term
Chris: anyone who openly bangs interns is cool in my book

Paul: hahaha

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