Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Bucket

We've all felt it before.

A doldrum. Restlessness.Tedium. Dispiritedness. Melancholy. Dullness. Numbness.

Boredom. And when is boredom the most striking and painful? When we're alone. It strikes hardest when routines become so bland that we don't even see the point in using them to pass time. It squeezes our minds when that which typically entertains us falls pathetically short. It wrenches our very souls when we sit in solitude wondering, "What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

Boredom can be so intense at times that it almost creates a desire to give into apathy. To just not care. To not even want to avoid the nothingness with sleep. Instead, the boredom feels like a rock tied tightly to your soul and then tosses into a sea of absolute pointlessness.

You want to do something to break that boredom, but your mind gives a million and one reasons why all the possibilities for action can't or shouldn't be used. That's my current status right now. Luckily, I found some action to stimulate the old think engine of mine by describing crippling boredom in my blog.

Good times. Actually, I guess this would count as "bad times", but whatever. I'm blowing this joint tomorrow and heading for glorious old Athens, Georgia. Hang out with friends. Watch some football. Spout obscene language and politically incorrect jokes. Drink beers. THAT is a bonafide boredom basher... no doubt about it.

And so my ploy has worked. My spirits are lifted. Hope re-enters my mind. And overall, I'm feeling pretty good. Hahaha. Nice try, Apathy. But you have to a far more abstract and loathesome emotional state to take down good old Chris. What state is that, you ask?

Iowa. Corn-loving bastards.

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