Has anyone seen a bumpersticker like this before?
I've seen others as well with catchy little phrases like "Look Twice, Save a Life!" and "Share the Road". What a load of crap because let's be honest with ourselves for second, Joe Q. Motorcyclist. Who a crazier driver in general: a person who drives a car or a maniac who disobeys most traffic laws while driving a motorcycle?
I'm gonna go with the latter. Maybe it's just me, but motorcycle drivers suck balls. They whizz all over the highway... randomly accelerating to crazy speeds in order to dart inbetween cars with no sigalling... and I've even seen the bastards pull onto the shoulder of the highway during rush hour to drive around traffic.
But I should watch out for them? Screw that. I'm the one in the huge car. I'm pretty sure that they can see me just fine, and since their cool bikes are so fast and manueverable, they should have no problem avoiding me. Fair enough? Hell yes, it's fair enough. And if bikers have a problem with that, I'll introduce them to the front bumper of my Mitsubishi.
I should actually make my own bumperstickers: "Bikers are douche bags" is a simple yet effective one. Really does well to convey a sense of go-fuck-yourself to these bi-wheel owning bastards.
Or how about, "Look Once, Get the Fuck Outta My Way"? Too long, I think. Ah well. I'll figure out a good slogan for my campaign against these highway-driving hypocrites hypocrites eventually.
In other news, I hate the Boston Red Sox.
In yet further news, gas prices are astoundingly horrid. Kelly was telling me she heard that prices will soon be upto $3.00 a gallon in Georgia. I can only imagine... percahnce dream... about how disgusting the prices are elsewhere. No way I'll be keeping my Mitsubishi for too muc longer after law school. Maybe a year or two afterwards I'll sell it off for whatever it is worth and get a hybrid. Possibly even get lucky and buy whatever new non-gas alternatives they'll invent. Hell! I'd be willing to drive a tank that ran on KITTENS if the aforementioned kittens cost less than what I'm currently getting raped on.
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